The IRS cost $11.8B to run in 2019. The tax code is RIDICULOUSLY huge and complex. Congress spends WAY too much time thinking up NEW taxes. Companies employ an army of tax preparers and lawyers just to squeeze more nickels out of the system and, in the end, the wealthy and large corporations do not pay their fair share. This needs to change and we need to put our government to work on more important matters.
The rise and dominance of the stock market over the past 40 or so years has caused several major problems with the American economy and, by extension, for every American as well.
A free and honest press is the only thing that keeps a democracy a democracy. Without it, a dictatorship is inevitable (as in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia). The press is the only thing that keeps governments (somewhat) honest. Without it, all we have is what they want us to know, and that's not good.
That said, immense damage has been done to the general public trust of the press and this MUST be restored.
A college education should be accessible to all who have the aptitude and desire for higher education (though I do believe there is a related problem where companies require college educations for jobs that don't really need a college education, just because they can. But that's a whole different problem). My school was $11,000 per year when I started in '87, it rose to $18,000 by the time I graduated - - that's crazy! Well, guess what, for 2021, it's $67,000! I'm guessing that the teachers' salaries have NOT gone up at the same rate. It's just a Liberal Arts school - - but it's apparently a lovely country club now, too.
Sports and entertainment are critical (and fun) parts of our lives and that, in and of itself, is not a bad thing. What IS bad is the inflated salaries and statuses of these performers. There is no reason for these performers to be making 20 or 30 million a year. Of course, the purely capitalistic argument goes something like "Well, they make more than that for the owners of the team (or the record label or the film studio or whomever) so they deserve their share. And I agree! BUT, to give them that salary WE (the average person) are paying $16 to go to a movie, $15 for a beer at a stadium or $250 for a concert ticket. A family of 4 should not have to pay $600 or $700 to go to a sporting event! So, how do you fix this?
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